ITI Employability Skills questions and answers 2023

ITI Employability Skills questions and answers 2023 के महत्वपूर्ण बहु विकल्पीय प्रश्न पत्र निम्न लिखित हैं |

ITI Employability Skills questions and answers 2023

Topic :- Communication

1. “KAIZEN” means _____________.

A. self-discipline

B. preventive maintenance

C. sorting out

D. continuous improvement

2. Choose the correct context of the given expression in group discussion” Excuse me, I would_________” .

A. Interrupting

B. Agreeing

C. Summarizing

D. Emphasizing a point

3. Communication that involves exchanging information without use of words is called ______________.

A. verbal communication

B. pictorial communication

C. written communication

D. non verbal communication

4. Dedication to a particular work is called______

A. confidence

B. commitment

C. Intelligence

D. integrity

5. Dedication to a particular work is called_________ .

A. integrity

B. confidence

C. commitment

D. intelligence

6. Expansions of SMS is___________ .

A. Simple Message Service

B. Short Mail Service

C. Simple Memo Service

D. Short Message Service

7. For “SMART” Goal, S stands for_________ .

A. social

B. scientific

C. specific

D. strength

8. Gesture “biting nails” shows _________.

A. boredom

B. insecurity

C. confidence

D. defensiveness

9. Gesture “Brisk & erect walking” shows ________.

A. boredom

B. defensiveness

C. confidence

D. insecurity

10. Gesture “Brisk erect walk” shows_______

A. insecurity

B. boredom

C. confidence

D. defensiveness

11. Goals are categorized as _____________ .

A. good and bad

B. inner and outer

C. intrinsic and extrinsic

D. short-term and long-term

12. Goals are classified as_________ .

A. big and small goal

B. long term and short-term goal

C. important and not important goal

D. intrinsic and extrinsic goal

13. In face to face communication, body language accounts for __________________ .

A. 7%

B. 38%

C. 55%

D. 100%

14. Intrinsic motivation is________________________.

A. short lived

B. long lasting

C. for money or reward

D. to gain social acceptance

15. Listening to Railway or Flight announcement, teacher’s lecture comes under____________.

A. critical listening

B. appreciative listening

C. therapeutic listening

D. comprehensive listening

16. Listening to songs only to derive pleasure comes under ______________.

A. critical listening

B. therapeutic listening

C. appreciative listening

D. comprehensive listening

17. Motivation is categories into ____________________.

A. intrinsic and extrinsic

B. good and bad

C. inner and outer

D. high and low

18. Noise, physical discomfort of hotness or coldness comes under _____________.

A. culture barrier

B. language barrier

C. perception barrier

D. environment barrier

19. Rise and fall of pitch of voice is called__________ .

A. vowel

B. intonation

C. consonant

D. pronunciation

20. The study of right and wrong in human endeavors’ is called ___________ .

A. motivation

B. self-awareness

C. ethics

D. goal

21. What is a drawback of role playing?

A. Builds confidence

B. Develops listening skills

C. Doesn’t provide real situation

D. Develop creative problem solving

22. What should come next after “selecting the solution” in problem solving process?

A. Look for alternate

B. Root cause analysis

C. Identify the problem

D. Implement the solution

23. Which factor helps to motivate people?

A. Lack of focus

B. Lack of confidence

C. Lack of direction

D. Lack of nervousness

24. Which one is 3P’s of public speaking?

A. Possess, present, practice

B. Prepare, Practice, perform

C. Publish, pleasant, perfect

D. Perfection, Performance, painstaking

25. Which one is a “Do’s” for interview etiquette ?

A. Nervousness

B. Informal dress

C. Clam approach

D. Excessive gesture

26. Which one is a “don’t” in interview etiquette?

A. Be confident

B. Dress appropriately

C. Proper eye contact

D. Lie about your abilities to get job

27. Which one is a barrier to speaking?

A. Poor listening

B. Lack of time

C. Nervousness

D. Reluctant to read

28. Which one is a Do’s in interview etiquette?

A. Dress too casually

B. Lie about abilities to get job

C. Be confident

D. Too excessive in gesture

29. Which one is a good communication?

A. Message is clear and direct

B. Message is ambiguous

C. Sender attacks receiver

D. Receiver doesn’t listen to sender

30. Which one is an email etiquette?

A. Keep email short

B. Send virus infected mail

C. Forward false messages

D. Use all caps or small letter in email

31. Which one is considered to be a good communication?

A. Message is ambiguous

B. Sender is positive towards receiver

C. Receiver doesn’t listen to sender

D. Sender attacks receiver

32. Which one is considered to be a poor communication?

A. Message is ambiguous

B. Message is clear and direct

C. Receiver is open to listen

D. Sender is positive towards receiver

33. Which one is NOT a benefit of oral communication?

A. It is quick

B. It is for record

C. It is direct

D. Feedback is immediate

34. Which one is NOT a part of Triple ‘A” listening?

A. Anxiety

B. Attitude

C. Attention

D. Adjustment

35. Which one is NOT an article ?

A. a

B. an

C. in

D. the

36. Which one is NOT an element of 3P’s of public speaking?

A. Prepare

B. Practice

C. Posses

D. Perform

37. Which one is NOT an essential characteristic to achieve success?

A. Commitment

B. Integrity

C. Confidence

D. Unethical work

38. Which one is NOT the outcome of positive attitude ?

A. enthusiasm

B. creativity

C. boredom

D. problem solving attitude

39. Which one is the latest and effective means of modern communication?

A. Fax

B. Postal mail

C. Electronic mail

D. Message through TV

नोट :- यह प्रश्न पत्र Employability skills class 10, Employability skills class 11, Employability skills class 12 एवं प्रतियोगी परीक्षाओं इत्यादि में बहुत उपयोगी हैं इसलिए सभी छात्र उपरोक्त प्रश्न पत्र को अवश्य पढ़े |


ITI Employability Skills question and answer 2023

ITI Employability Skills study materials

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